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ISQ accredited in the Portuguese Responsible Industry System

  ISQ has had, since December 2013, provisory authorisation to operate in Portugal as an accredited body in the environmental area, in the context of the Responsible Industry System (SIR – Sistema da Indústria Responsável). Accredited bodies check that licensing process are performed correctly, for the purposes of installing or changing industrial establishments or Responsible Business Zones. The processes that are checked by accredited bodies include the following: • Environmental impact assessment (environmental impact studies) • Environmental licensing • Waste management operations • Prevention of serious accidents • Incineration or co-incineration facilities • European emissions trading (regarding greenhouse gases) Bodies accredited in the environmental sector can then assess compliance with the procedural processes of the request to install and operate industrial establishments, an assessment that leads to a verification report and declaration of conformity. For industrial companies, turning to an accredited company is advantageous because it means the oversight bodies do not need to check for omissions or irregularities in the procedural steps, and therefore the time taken for these bodies to issue an opinion is reduced.  

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