
Assessment of safe and sustainable advanced materials

Recent European Union (EU) policy commitments have set the goals and strategies for EU to become a climate neutral, resource efficient and circular economy by 2050. The transition for a green and digital EU economy and society is among other factors dependent on the innovative capacity and investment of the advanced materials industry to provide new and alternative safe and sustainable chemicals, materials, processes, and products, based on a holistic assessment.

ISQ has been improving their skills in the assessment of safe and sustainable advanced materials, processes, and products, based on their participation in several EU funded projects. On May 11th and 12th of 2023, ISQ participated in the 1st Int. Conf. on Lightweight Materials in Politecnico di Milano to discuss the safe and sustainable by design strategies for lightweight metal alloys with a nanocomponent implemented in the LightMe project ( The use of nanomaterials across industries is expected to continue to increase due to their high socio-economic impact, increasing the number of workers potentially exposed to nanomaterials, if safe-by-design strategies are not implemented at the early stages of innovative process.

Stakeholders operating in the field of lightweight metal alloys and/or metal alloys composites eager to develop novel concepts within the lightweight metal producst value chain are invited to apply to the open access innovation environment promoted by LightMe project to proceed in technological innovation in a fast and low-cost way. Selected application will:

  • Have free of charge access to all services of the ecosystem
  • Have the opportunity to innovate and develop their business in a one-stop shop
  • Receive mentoring and support of industry experts for their concept
  • Be part of a wide network establishing long-term relationships with key industry players.

Apply here:

Assessment of safe and sustainable advanced materials 1

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