Tendências 2014 by ISQ
We are living in times of change, opportunity and challenges. ISQ has created the Tendências 2014 (Trends 2014) Programme, developing a dynamic of interaction with the market to identify and explore trends in training and skill development for 2014, responding to companies’ training needs. As part of this Programme, on 25 February another session dedicated to theme took place – quality in metal construction and the challenges posed to metal and metalwork companies by Standard EN 1090 in Portugal and worldwide. The Trends 2014 Programme is a programme of open, free themed sessions that take place at the ECOTERMOLAB, at ISQ’s Northern Branch in Gaia, Portugal, which make information available to the market on emerging and/or focus areas for the next three years. 3 sessions of Trends 2014 have taken place, one on the theme of Coaching as a Quality Tool, another on Energy Efficiency in Industry and Services and a third on the Effectiveness of Integrated Organisational Performance.