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Medical Air Quality Assessment

The LABQUI (Chemistry Laboratory and Environment) has created a new service – Medicinal Air Quality Assessment – directed the hospital authorities and health service providers that allows you to check compliance the requirements of Pharmacopeia for medicinal air used its facilities. The Pharmacopeia describes the medical air must be conformity assessment target and control for the following contaminants: CO CO2 NOx SO2 H2O Oil The Quality Control of Medicinal Air produced in compressed air systems as well as comply with the foreseen in the Pharmacopoeia also allow hospital authorities / health evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of maintenance plans in place for the central compressed air distribution lines and points to use and maintain / improve the level of quality of health services provided. For more information or quotation request contact:

Luis Miguel Guedes Email: Tel: 21 422 94 20 / Ext: 2320 Mobile Phone: 96 807 92 08 Fax: 21 422 81 04

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