1st Portuguese Meeting of Nanotechnology: Legislate to compete
On the 3rd of April, the 1st National Meeting “Nanotechnology: Legislate to compete” took place at IPQ – Instituto Português da Qualidade (Portuguese Quality Institute) auditorium in Almada, Portugal. The meeting discussed the importance of legislation / regulation of nanosciences, nanotechnologies and nanomaterials and their impact on economic and social progress, promoting a dialogue and establishing collaborations between the various entities involved in the development of nanotechnology. Promoted by the PToNANO consortium within the scope of the European project NANoREG, this meeting was attended by professionals from different sectors of society, public and private, with an intervention in nanoscience, nanotechnology and manufactured nanomaterials, actively involved and / or interested in health, safety and in the regulations of the nano field. The PToNANO consortium is made up by ISQ, Instituto Nacional de Saúde Mr Ricardo Jorge, Instituto Português da Qualidade (Portuguese Quality Institute) and Direcção-Geral da Saúde (Directorate General of Health). Watch the meeting online (portuguese) Contact Ana Rita Soares • Nádia Vital