
SIM4.0 1


EU Programme: H2020

Coordination: ISQ (PORTUGAL)


Starting Year:  2017 

Duration: september 2017 to august 2019


ISQ Contact: Helena Gouveia (

Areas: R&D and Innovation

Acronym: SIM4.0 Title: Intelligent Monitoring Systems 4.0 Investment: 572,761.50 Incentive: 486,847.28

See the Maturity Assessment Study I4.0 of National Companies  


The project aims to transfer scientific and technological knowledge about intelligent monitoring systems to the national industrial fabric. This knowledge is the result of the development of national and European R&D projects and is intended through this transfer to contribute to addressing information and knowledge failures on the use of digital technologies in traditional industrial contexts. Knowledge transfer is carried out through workshops and demonstration actions in different industrial scenarios aimed at showing the potential of implementing advanced technologies (e.g., intelligent monitoring based on sensor network; real-time data analysis; artificial intelligence) in increasing the effectiveness, competitiveness and sustainability of industrial systems.

Industrial Challenges

The intense technological development combined with profound changes in markets and business models requires new approaches to industrial production in order to allow industry to remain competitive and a basis for sustaining the European economic and social model.

The transition of companies (especially SMEs) to new references requires, on the one hand, awareness of the need for paradigm shift, and on the other hand, the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge that allows its training.

The SIM4.0 project addresses an essential theme in the industrial context: the monitoring of equipment, processes and systems and the intelligent management of data and information flows, the basis of the implementation of the i4.0 paradigm. The way to highlight the benefits of the implementation of the new i4.0 paradigm is accomplished through the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge, resulting from the development of national and European R&D projects, to real contexts in SMEs, thus demonstrating and disseminating the knowledge necessary to increase the technological maturity of companies.

Approach details

The SIM4.0 project approach strategy begins with generic workshops on the industrial paradigms and challenges of the sec. XXI, which aim to raise awareness among industry in general, then moving on to specific workshops in the target sectors of SIM4.0: equipment goods; components and agri-food. In order to better support the new knowledge, demonstrations are developed in the 3 sectors and widely disseminated. The development of technological roadmaps integrating the results of the project is a tool to support the future implementation of intelligent monitoring system solutions.

Work methodology

  • Workshops (WS) on awareness and diagnosis

The main objective of the WS is to sensitize companies to the challenges of the new industrial paradigms and to understand with them what their requirements, strategic objectives and difficulties in implementing innovative solutions in their factories and analyze what impact these solutions will have in the future. These solutions should be studied taking into account the mitigation of various current challenges in industry, such as predictive maintenance and eco-efficiency. In this activity will be diagnosed several companies in 3 industrial sectors: equipment goods, components and agro-industrial and from this diagnosis will be selected 3 companies that will be the target of intervention for development of pilot applications for demonstration.

  • Development of Demonstration actions

The project foresees the development of 3 demonstrations in pilots, 2 in the area of predictive maintenance and 1 in the management of eco-efficiency. Pilot applications are developed from R&D results in Intelligent Monitoring Systems, which will be adapted/customized to selected pilot applications.

  • Roadmap

Roadmaps will be developed, adding all the results of the project in order to serve as guidance to companies in the selection, acquisition/ development and implementation of new technologies and also to serve public decision makers on initiatives / mechanisms to be implemented to overcome market failures. The roadmaps will also serve as a communication tool, a guide that will communicate the vision of technological development of the sectors for the future.

  • Dissemination

See the Maturity Assessment Study I4.0 of National Companies Type of project: SIAC – Collective Action Support System (Transfer of Scientific and Technological Knowledge). compete