EU Programme: Erasmus+

Coordination: Lukasiewicz – Institute of Welding (Poland)

Participants: ISQ (Portugal)|Lukasiewicz – Institute of Welding (Poland)|ISIM Timisoara (Romania)|Istituto Italiano della Saldatura - Ente Morale (Italy)|European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (Belgium)

Starting Year:  2020 

Duration: 2 years

ISQ Contact:

Areas: Education, Industry


Acronym: TRUST

Project Title:

TRUST – desTRUctive teSting Technician

Project Code: 2020-1-PL01-KA202-081820

Total Cost: 264 320,00 €

Funding: 264 320,00 €



TRUST is an Erasmus+ funded project with a duration of 24 months (December 2020 to December 2022) and is set to enhance integration of training offer in countries with lower engagement or access to it while increasing transparency of competences and qualifications for the Manufacturing sector.

TRUST project aims to reply to a need for a Qualification that specifically addresses Destructive Testing of welded joints by creating a new European Destructive Testing Technician qualification, targeting not only young trainees involved in Initial Vocational Education and Training (I-VET), but also professionals who already work in this area but are lacking a proper specialised training , thus allowing them the opportunity to upskill through Continuous VET.



TRUST project addresses these issues by supporting the creation of a new Professional Profile, the European Destructive Testing Technician, and the development of a harmonised European Destructive Testing Technician Qualification (at European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level 4) that will provide young trainees and professionals already working in DT, but who lack the needed training, the opportunity to acquire the required skills and knowledge to work on DT of welded joints on industrial laboratories and a proper recognition of their functions. This new Qualification will also benefit the Industry, which will have the opportunity to have its audited personnel dully recognised to perform DT, impacting the quality of its products and business success.

This project has a sectoral approach as it replies to the needs identified by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), involving teachers, trainers, trainees, professionals already working in DT, experts from the European Vocational Education and Training sector, Industry representatives and National Qualification Agencies on the development of its results and on the implementation of the European Destructive Testing Technician Qualification at European level.

In addition to the European Destructive Testing Technician Qualification, TRUST project also aims to develop a Qualification Guideline that encompasses access conditions that include the possibility to conduct a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process, providing professionals already working in DT the opportunity to qualify, in line with the lifelong learning approach.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
