
Sustain-Ce 1


EU Programme: 

Coordination: YASAR UNIVERSITESI (Turkey)


Starting Year:  2020 

Duration: 2020-2023

ISQ Contact:

Areas: Industry, Innovation, Sustainability, Training

sustain ce   Acronym: SUSTAIN-CE Project designation: Specialization for civil engineers in Sustainable Design and Circular Economy PROJECT CODE: 2020-1-TR01-KA203-093522 TOTAL ELIGIBLE COST: 254,412 € (Total Eligible for all co-promoters) Funding amount: 254,412€ (Total Incentive)

GOALS The SUSTAIN-CE project addresses the application of concepts and principles of the circular economy to the construction sector. With a consortium consisting entirely of Universities and Research Centers, the SUSTAIN CE project has as main objective the integration of concepts of circular economy and sustainable design in civil engineering curricula . Given the economic weight and consequent environmental impact of the construction sector, it is intended to provide the professionals of the future (civil engineers, architects, …) with the necessary knowledge so that they can become agents of change in the transition to a sustainable construction practice. The project is thus intended for the design of a course related to the themes of “Sustainable Construction”, with a modular structure, according to the various branches of civil engineering: “structures”, “transport and urban planning”, “materials”, “geotechnics” and “hydraulics and hydrology”. This course will also be accessible from a virtual learning platform, the creation of which is also planned within the scope of the project. The main objectives of the SUSTAIN-CE project are as: 1) Development of a modular course on circular economy and sustainable construction for civil engineering and architecture students, as well as professionals in the field; 2) Creation of a Virtual Learning Environment (AVA) platform; 3) Increase awareness and knowledge of the general civil engineering community about concepts of circular economy and sustainable construction; 4) Contribute to a sustainable improvement of the quality of life in Europe.     EXPECTED RESULTS The SUSTAIN-CE project will develop programmatic content related to the application of the concepts of circular economy and sustainable design to the construction sector, with a view to enriching current undergraduate programs in civil engineering. In this sense, the project will result in a modular structure course that will include an introduction course to circular economy and sustainable development, as well as 5 modules corresponding to the application of circular economy concepts and sustainable design to the various specializations of civil engineering, namely “structures”, “transport and urban planning”, “materials”, “geotechnics” (foundations) and “hydraulics and hydrology”. In short, the SUSTAIN-CE project will develop:

  1. A new course that aims to integrate concepts of circular economy and sustainable construction in the curricula of civil engineering courses;
  2. Three training events implemented in Portugal, Greece and Turkey to test the content developed;
  3. An implementation guide for other educational institutions wishing to integrate the SUSTAIN-EC training programme into their vocational education and training activities, and
  4. A Virtual Learning Environment (AVA) platform.

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