Level Up

Level Up 1

Level Up

EU Programme: Erasmus+

Coordination: Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (Turkey)

Participants: Bridging to the Future Ltd (United Kingdom)|Media Creativa 2020, S.L. (Spain)|European Grants International Academy S.R.L. (Italy)|ISQ (Portugal)|Turk Girisim ve Is Dunyasi Konfederasyonu (Turkey)|Istanbul Valiligi (Turkey)

Starting Year:  2018 

Duration: 2018-2020


ISQ Contact:

Areas: Education, Innovation, Training



Acronym: Level Up

Project Title: Digital Skills for Adults with Blue-collar Occupations

Project Code: 2018-1-TR01-KA204-058746

Total Cost: 186.499€

Funding: 186.499€



The Digital Age has affected the workforce in several ways. It has created a situation in which workers have to be adapted to the digital working environments. 56% of the adult population have no ICT skills or have only the skills necessary to fulfil the simplest set of tasks in a technology-rich environment (OECD Skills for a Digital World 2016). During their training in schools, digital tools were not developed therefore they do not possess any digital skills that are required in this age which results in not being able to sustain their jobs in digital age.

The Level Up project aims at developing the digital skills of adults with low-skilled occupations in order to adapt them to the digital age. These skills are in core in all working environments and required to operate many tools used in technical and industrial occupations. By gaining the digital skills required for digital age, adults with low-skilled occupations will be able to: increase their employability, work more efficiently and productive, find ways of improving their core-skills using ICT, find jobs with better conditions. Another aim of the project is to encourage adult training centres to offer digital skills courses for target group. This way adults who do not have opportunity to reach or use internet will be reached. To do this a handbook with extra activities, innovative teaching methods and learning outcomes will be prepared.



Current Situation Analysis of Adult Training Centres and Adult Trainers in Terms of Digital Skills Training in Partner Countries

This output will reveal strategies used in digital skills training of adult training centres in adult training. It will contain good practices in terms of digital skills training offered by these centres. It will also include approaches and technologies that are used in adult education by adult trainers.

Need Analysis

This output will provide the European wide skill lists which are needed by low skilled workers in order to become up to date for the digitalization of workplaces.

Development of training materials

This output will aim to develop the training modules regarding the data previously taken. Each training module will be prepared at the EQF 4 or 5 and adult education methodology of Malcolm Knowles will be applied in order to have the most efficient content for adults.

Testing contents

This will be made in the e-learning platform which includes all the training contents and trainees, workers and trainers can log in and explore and test the contents.

Trainers’ handbook

This will be a handbook for adult trainers which can be used as a guideline in how to use and apply the training content.






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