

EU Programme: Co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of teh European Union

Coordination: Institut pour le Developpement et la Formation - IDF (FRANCE)

Participants: CJD BBW Frechen (GERMANY)|Best Cybernetics (GREECE)|Civiform società cooperativa sociale (ITALY)|Universitatea Petru Maior Din Targu Mures (ROMANIA)|ISQ (PORTUGAL)

Starting Year:  2015 

Duration: 2017

ISQ Contact: formacao@isq.pt

Areas: VET Projects


Acronym: IYES

Project Name: I-Yes – Improve Your Emotional Skills

Grant agreement no: 2015-1-FR01-KA202-015115

Total cost: 36315,00€

Total Funding: 36315,00€


“I-Yes – Improve your emotional skills” project main objective is contribute for combating school dropout, improve the academic standards of European students, and find strategies to combat youth unemployment through youth commitment towards education and training. This will be done through the development and test of new methods and tools for youngsters and educational staff, related emotional, social and soft skills, aiming to create strategies and methodologies to increase youngsters’ levels of motivation for school and/or training.

The project aims to improve and enhance teachers and trainer’s performance to:

  • create a better classroom behaviour where students can improve attitudes,
  • increase their social and life skills,
  • enhance their motivation to learn,
  • deepen their commitment to school and
  • increase time devoted to schoolwork.

Students will have the opportunity to test an innovative intervention program which will foresee group and individual activities in order to promote social and emotional student development.

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