

EU Programme: Co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of teh European Union


Participants: ISQ (PORTUGAL)|Europeace Youth (UNITED KINGDOM) |Instituto para el fomento del desarrollo y la formación - INFODEF (SPAIN)|INSTITOUTO EKPEDEFTIKOU & EPAGELMATIKOU PROSANATOLISMOU - IEKEP (GREECE)|Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology - CARDET (CYPRUS)

Starting Year:  2015 

Duration: 2017

ISQ Contact:

Areas: VET Projects


Acronym: Get There

Project Name: GET THERE – Journey to Employment

Grant agreement no: 2015 – 1 –UK01-KA202-013608

Total cost: 40435,00€

Total Funding: 39435,00€


The GET THERE – Journey to Employment project was designed under the European Union Erasmus+ programme and it addresses the issue of youth unemployment and developing better employability skills for young people or even adults that want to improve their performance at work. The project works on two innovative methodologies and tools: the Employability Skills Support Book (ES) – a curriculum focused on developing employability skills from ASDAN, a UK Awarding Organisation; and the Mentoring Programme from Europeace Youth (now Diagrama) based in the UK.

Main aims and objectives of the project:

  • To carry out a survey of the most necessary employability skills in each partner country, confronting trainers and youngsters’ perspectives;
  • To produce an in-depth report on the employability needs in each partner country;
  • To train trainers to deliver employability workshops in each partner country for unemployed young people or those in need of more developed employability skills;
  • To produce a handbook in each partner language to help trainers deliver the GET THERE programme;
  • To promote the GET THERE training to other partner organisations as part of a sustainable project;
  • To produce a competences matrix in each partner language to support the delivery of the programme.

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