ISQ presents technological solutions for food waste

ISQ participated today in the kickoff of the BIOMA project – Integrated BIOeconomy Solutions for the Mobilization of the Agri-Food Chain that aims to promote the adoption of technological solutions in the agri-food value chain, reduce food waste, value waste and agri-food by-products for the development of bio-based products, support the priorities and aspirations of global sustainable development for 2030 (development goals sustainable development – SDDs), support the national strategy for the Bioeconomy and contribute to the national and European strategy for digitising industry. Within the FRAMEWORK of bioma, "we will develop tools to evaluate and promote the sustainability and bioeconomic maturity of the agri-food chain, collecting detailed technical and economic information from case studies and classifying the various pillars of sustainability, namely, environmental, economic, social and governance. Bioeconomic maturity will be focused primarily on the evaluation of the digitization of the sector and potential implementation of innovative solutions, which additionally address the visions of circular economy and industrial and procedural symbiosis," explains João Ribau, ISQ R&D officer.    An essential tool that will emerge from the project is the platform that will monitor and reduce food waste, through the analysis of data collected along the agri-food chain, determining which activities and products lead to the greatest waste, but also identifying methodologies aimed at reducing waste or transforming it into sub-products needed for other processes. "Equally important will be the development of a BIOtrace solution for remote traceability of products along the food chain, particularly in their transport and conservation, promoting the maintenance of product quality," says João Ribau, ISQ R&D manager. Finally, ISQ will also boost the BIOecosystem concept, namely with "Marketplace" and "Test before invest" platforms, where communication between stakeholders along the value chain, promotion of solutions and new products and delineation of test fields will be promoted, as well as demonstration of solutions in real environment. It should be noted that according to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), "every year a third of food production is wasted in the world". To counter this global problem, with impacts at various levels, the "United Against Waste" has recently emerged, a civic and national movement, congregator and aggregator, which unites society in an active and positive fight against food waste, reinforcing the importance of each of us in this struggle.

Recently, ISQ has also joined the United Against Waste Movement, a civic movement that aims to make the use of surpluses, warn of losses and waste, encourage and facilitate the donation of leftovers and promote responsible consumption. In this way, the ISQ undertakes to adopt measures that allow the effective reduction of food waste at the various stages in which it is produced.


ISQ is a private, independent entity that delivers value through integrated and innovative engineering, inspection, testing, testing and training services solutions.

Present in 14 countries and with 7 offices in Portugal, ISQ supports its customers in reducing risk, improving operational performance and increasing competitiveness. multidisciplinary teams that help clients to align their business objectives with applicable regulations and standards and in meeting their goals in the areas of quality, safety, asset management and environmental and social responsibility.

Industry, Technology and Innovation are the premises that guide the work developed by ISQ, which already has more than 500 international Innovation projects and more than 17,000 professional training courses.

ISQ supports industry development and innovation on a global scale, with service solutions for the Oil & Gas, Energy, Aeronautics and Aerospace, Process Industry, Health, Mobility and Smart Cities, Transport and Infrastructure and Agribusiness sectors.


Carla Guedes      |          | +351 919 211 647