ISQ launches INSPIRE program
ISQ decided to create INSPIRE – ISQ Innovation LAB, an innovation program open to all employees.
It is intended to foster a culture of innovation because “innovative organizations have better results and have more satisfied employees”, points out Pedro Matias, President of ISQ.
After all, “ISQ has always been an entity that has bet on innovation over the years, being even a reference at national and international level in this matter and wants to continue to be“, adds Pedro Matias.
That is why this program plays such an important role since “by investing in innovation we are also investing in sustainability, since having the ability to innovate is equivalent to generating value and being able to convert ideas into new products or processes”, adds Pedro Matias.
INSPIRE will implement an innovation process starting from the inside out and includes two areas of intervention: New Services (improvement of existing services) and Internal Improvements (cost reduction| process optimization | increasing customer satisfaction | increased employee satisfaction).
The ideas are submitted in the portal created for this purpose and subsequently the subject of analysis by a scoreboard. They are then evaluated by an Innovation Committee already in the project plan phase and, finally, by the ISQ Board of Directors. After the evaluation, each idea will be shared with the entire organization, thus allowing other areas to join a working group and form a multidisciplinary team.
The three best ideas will be awarded in cash and prizes of up to €5000 are expected to be awarded for the best ideas. In the course of the process, those who submit an idea will have the help of colleagues, having been created a team that called themselves Facilitators.
It is intended with this initiative, to involve employees in change, innovation and continuous improvement.