ISQ empowers Agroindustry with i4.0 tools

Portugal is giving letters in the digital transformation of agro-industry. ISQ will bring good practice to the conference organised by the European Commission – New Skills For Digital Farming – internationalising HUB4AGRI*, the first Digital Innovation Hub for Agriculture.  "ISQ has been a leverage agent, coordinating HUB4AGRI as well as other innovation and training projects in the sector, such as MilKee (efficiency and bioeconomy in dairy production), Qualimilho (quality and safety in the value chain), Alentejo Circular (circularity in wine, olive oil and swine), URSA (transform by-products into organic fertilizer in Alqueva), Gervalor (food waste reduction) and Smart Farming (digitization of the value chain of the primary sector)", stresses Pedro Matias, President of the ISQ Group. At this conference, which takes place in Spain, more than 500 participants and several dozen speakers are expected, as a forum for debate on the state of the art of digitisation in agro-industry in the 27 countries of the European Union, which is still below industrial indicators and needs to leverage more innovations in a massive and rapid way, more cohesion and more digital tools and extend your physical space to the "digital space". For Pedro Matias, the path consists of "the adoption of technology, process digitization and new digital business models, based on new information and communication technologies". It is important that this sector is fully integrated into all countries in the New Skills Agenda for Europe for the future and the Digital Europe Programme. Currently, FARMERS in the European Union already apply digital solutions in the sector, but there are still barriers that prevent a wider use of new technologies, including the lack of adequate skills . Raising awareness of the potential of digital in this sector can help farmers find the right digital solutions to meet their needs. "We need to invest in upskills and reskilling in all sectors, with a particular focus on the agro-industrial sector, especially at the level of managers and managers in the middle, including operational technicians," stresses Margarida Segard, director of ISQ Academy and advisor to the European Commission in the area of Skills 4.0. In the future, 9 out of 10 jobs will require digital skills, with 169 million Europeans (44% of the EU population) without basic digital skills . To address this gap and increase the use of digital technologies in Europe's agriculture and rural areas, EU countries recognise the need to invest in training. Digitisation also plays an important role in the future Common Agricultural Policy, which will place a strong emphasis on knowledge sharing, promoting digitisation and encouraging its adoption in agriculture and rural areas. Learn more about ISQ Academy training:   Hub4Agri 1


ISQ is a private, independent entity that delivers value through integrated and innovative engineering, inspection, testing, testing and training services solutions.

Present in 14 countries and with 7 offices in Portugal, ISQ supports its customers in reducing risk, improving operational performance and increasing competitiveness. multidisciplinary teams that help clients to align their business objectives with applicable regulations and standards and in meeting their goals in the areas of quality, safety, asset management and environmental and social responsibility.

Industry, Technology and Innovation are the premises that guide the work developed by ISQ, which already has more than 500 international Innovation projects and more than 17,000 professional training courses.

ISQ supports industry development and innovation on a global scale, with service solutions for the Oil & Gas, Energy, Aeronautics and Aerospace, Process Industry, Health, Mobility and Smart Cities, Transport and Infrastructure and Agribusiness sectors.


Carla Guedes      |          | +351 919 211 647