lee – special testing laboratory
What we do
Thermodynamics testing
ATP certification tests and issuance of ATP certificates for Portuguese territory, by delegation by the IMTT (Institute of Mobility and Land Transport).
The ATP certification laboratory is accredited by IPAC, in accordance with the NP EN ISO 17025 standard, and it is recognised by the United Nations Transport Division and the International Institute of Refrigeration.
Tests and inspections by standard Thermography and Lock-in Thermography, with inspector technicians internationally certified by the ITC (Infrared Training Centre).
Audits and monitoring of works in the areas of Thermodynamics (refrigeration systems, HVAC systems and heat generation systems).
Thermodynamic characterization of materials (specific heat, thermal conductivity and dilatometry).
Vibration Tests:
The LEE also includes a vibrations laboratory, with a high capacity shaker (107 kN and 300 kW) with temperature control, allowing the determination of own and shock resonance (operational modal analysis) in addition to standard fatigue testing.
Aerospace Testing:
The LEE also has a components testing laboratory for the automotive, space, aeronautical and other industries, equipped with vacuum chambers and MTS actuator systems as well as a 1000 channel HBM data collection system for conducting limit and fatigue tests (life cycle analysis). This laboratory is accredited to EN/AS 9100C:2009.
The LEE received European Union support for the following projects:
Environmental Chambers • Structural Tests • Equipment