

EU Programme: Erasmus +

Coordination: Exponential Training & Assessment Limited – ETA (United Kingdom)

Participants: ISQ (Portugal)|DEKAPLUS BUSINESS SERVICES LTD (Cyprus)|BEST Institut GmbH (Austria)|Institute of Technology Tralee – ITT (Republic of Ireland)|BEST Cybernetics (Greece)

Starting Year:  2017 

Duration: 2017-2020

ISQ Contact:

Areas: Education, Innovation, Integration, R&D and Innovation, Training



Acronym: LEAP

Project Title: Learn, Engage, Apply and Perform

Project Code: 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036522

Total Cost: 342,038 €

Funding: 342,038 €



The LEAP project intends to create a “step change” in the use of e-Portfolios as a process-based pedagogical tool to improve learners and Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers performance. It will exploit open digital badges to create an engaging learning process leading to improved performance by students/trainees and teachers/trainers.



The LEAP e-Portfolio

A flexible but structured tool designed to facilitate the collaborative interaction between learners and teachers/trainers and between teachers/trainers and moderators, and to promote learner independence, the use of differentiated learner support, learning, and assessment.


LEAP e-Portfolio and Good Practice Handbook

A series of training curricula and VET courses that will make use of the LEAP e-Portfolio. The Handbook will allow the lessons and experience of partners, teachers/trainers and learners to be transferred to other stakeholders interested in exploiting the use of digital open badges within an e-Portfolio such as LEAP.


Policy Report: Taking the LEAP

A strategic document with recommendations for the use of a learner-centered pedagogical process model incorporating open digital badges within e-Portfolios in the delivery of VET courses and how it can support and complement other approaches to VET delivery (e.g. blended learning, use of Virtual Learning Environments, the flipped classroom and traditional classroom based activities).




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