EU Programme: Erasmus +


Participants: EUROPEAN FEDERATION FOR WELDING JOINING AND CUTTING (EWF)|The Welding Institute Limited (TWI)|ISQ|Magyar Hegesztestechnik ai Es Anyagvizsgalati Egyesules (MHtE)|Asociacion Espanola de Soldadura y Tecnologias de Union (CESOL)|Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare in Sudura si Incer (ISIM)|Istituto Italiano della Saldatura Ente Morale (IIS)

Starting Year:  2017 



ISQ Contact:


Acronym: WOW

Project Title: WOW – Work-based learning Opportunities in Welding

Total Cost: 49038,00€

Funding: 39230,40€

WOW is a KA3 project aiming to establish a VET – Business partnership on Work-based learning and Apprenticehsips. The project aims to bridge the gap between the worlds of education and business by developing a work-based learning system for the manufacturing sector. To do so, will set the necessary requirements for apprenticeships and in company-training to be recognised at European level, as well as at national and possibly regional level.

The results achieved by the project will have a potential impact on relevant target groups and across participating partners, thus allowing the establishment of a more systematic, targeted and sustainable VET business partnerships to set-up or improve work-based learning and apprenticeships at local and regional level. The project main deliverables will be:

  •         A Quality Assurance Structure as well as operating procedures, to put work-based learning in place for the welding sector;
  •       A Guideline for integrating WBL into the EWS (European Welding Specialist) and EWP (European Welding Practitioner) qualifications;
  •       An online platform/application for the triangle (trainees/VET systems/manufacturing companies) to interact, manage and monitor the process.

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