

EU Programme: Co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of teh European Union

Coordination: Fondazione Centro Produttività Veneto - CPV (ITALY)

Participants: Istituto Guglielmo Tagliacarne (ITALY)|CESPIM - Centro Studi Per L'innovazione D'impresa SRL (ITALY)|Associazione Studio L&P - Learning & Progress - (ITALY)|Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Veneto (ITALY)|Internationaler Bund e.V., IB Süd (ITALY)|Chamber of Chalkidiki (GREECE)|Biedriba Eurofortis - BEFO (LATVIA)|ISQ (PORTUGAL)|Fundación para la Formación, la Cualificación y el Empleo en el Sector Metal de Asturias (SPAIN)|Obchodná akadémia (Slovakia)

Starting Year:  2015 

Duration: 2018

ISQ Contact:

Areas: VET Projects


Acronym: TRAM-WBL

Project Name: TRAM-WBL – Engaging SMEs for Quality Transnational WBL experiences

Grant agreement no: 2015-1-IT01-KA202-004735

Total cost: 44028,33,00€

Total Funding: 44028,33,00€


TRAM-WBL – Engaging SMEs for Quality Transnational WBL experiences” aims to improve significantly the quality of transnational work-based learning (WBL) experience for both VET learners and enterprises in partner countries.

As main outputs and activities, the project will develop:

  • Recommendations for smart transnational WBL ecosystems.
  • Transnational WBL quality enhancement framework: guidelines aimed at identifying key aspects of effective employer’s involvement in transnational WBL.
  • Improvement and integration of tools and materials of E.R.M.E.S. Mobility Portal ( for the management of international mobility projects.
  • Transnational WBL digital stories: existing on-line pre-departure training programme for learners will be enriched with “digital stories” as an innovative medium for conveying the perceptions and reflections of different actors involved in transnational WBL.
  • Teaching staff guide for transnational work-based learning plans
  • TRAM-WBL communication and marketing plan for companies engagement: to recruit actively potential qualified WBL host companies

Test-beds and impact evaluation: testing materials and tools on targeted end users

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