
Refuskills 1


EU Programme: Erasmus +


Participants: NTI-MMM Multilateral Monitoring and Management|EUROMASC-European Master of Skilled Crafsts|HOGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS|Viennese Institute for Labour Market and Education Research (WIAB)|Berufsförderungsinstitut Wien|Arbeitsmarktservice Wien|European Federation for Welding Joining and Cutting|KALIBAO|Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII|EureCons Förderagentur GmbH|Sächsische Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe |Dresden mbH|ISQ|Asociación Nacional de Centros de e-learning y Distancia|ISTANBUL IL SOSYAL ETUT VE PROJE MUDURLUGU

Starting Year:  2017 



ISQ Contact:



Acronym: Refuskills  

Project Name: Qualification Assessments for Refugee Trainning and Employment: Fasttrack with Ecvet and Skillsbank 

Grant agreement no: 2016-1-NO01-KA202-022083

Total cost: 20973,00€

Total Funding: 20973,00€


The world is facing an unprecedented displacement crisis. Today, almost 60 million people are forcibly displaced as a result of violent conflicts and natural disasters. By end of February 2016, over 1.1 million people – refugees, displaced persons and other migrants – have made their way to Europe either escaping conflict and serious threats in their country or in search of better economic prospects. The current influx of refugees and other migrants is a common European challenge affecting every country, including Turkey. Some countries are exceptions like Germany, Greece and Italy with huge numbers arriving, Portugal wishing to get more refugees and Turkey serving as a buffer zone. Four of these countries are represented in the consortium comprising 14 partners from 9 countries. The partnership includes partners with critical first line experience from reception of refugees and other migrants, and from handling their applications for transit and residency.

This project aims to use the Skillsbank experiences and system to meet the immediate needs for a rapid competence assessment and declaration for refugees and other migrants. Objectives:1) Establishment of an easy-to-use mechanism that gives refugees/migrants an opportunity to document their skills and competences (in their own language) by using basic ECVET and Learning Outcome principles2) Facilitation and reduction of processing time in handling of refugees’ and asylum-seekers’ residence applications, and identification of appropriate/relevant individual career pathways towards employment and training3) Improving the recipient countries’ possibilities for a fast identification of migrants’ skills and competences, and thus for a facilitated integration and participation in work and capacity building programs4) Exploring the possibility of issuing a “RefuPass” stating the individuals competence portfolio based upon Learning Outcomes Skillsbank (LdV 2011-1-1-NO1-LEO05-03275) is the basis for the RefuSkills technical developments. It is a multilingual web based toolkit targeting career guidance, recognition of prior learning and individual training support.

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