

EU Programme: Co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of teh European Union

Coordination: Romanian Welding Society (ROMANIA)

Participants: Istituto Italiano Della Saldatura (ITALY)|European Federation for Welding Joining and Cutting AISBL (BELGIUM)|ISQ (PORTUGAL)|Asociación Espanola de Soldadura y Tecnologías de Uníon (SPAIN)

Starting Year:  2016 

Duration: 2018


ISQ Contact: formacao@isq.pt

Areas: VET Projects



Project Name: New opportunity for people with educational  difficulties to access jobs in materials joining technologies 

Grant agreement no: 2016-1-RO01-KA202-024494

Total cost: 24648,33€

Total Funding: 24315,00€


The aim of MICROBOND project is to develop new innovative toolkit dedicated to the training for qualification of bonding processes personnel. The toolkit will address three bonding technologies (Eutectic Bonding, Thermosonic Bonding and Adhesive Bonding) which are the most used in fabrication, and it will consist of: specific curriculum, adequate work load for each topic, teaching and learning materials (course support, presentations, videos, teaching software, etc.) and an evaluation tool. The achieved outcomes of the project will be the base for an ulterior approval of the developed Guideline by the EWF commission for Guidelines.

The main objectives of MICROBOND project are:

  1. introducing new qualification + enhancing quality of training + qualification of bonding personnel Result involved by the objective and development of the relevance of qualification on the labor market by introducing a new and innovative toolkit for training and qualification (curricula + teaching and learning materials + evaluation tool), easy to be received by the students with difficulties in learning, based on the experience of different members of the EWF.
  2. Enhancing the qualification of the VET trainers and the improvement of the teaching methods; they will be able the use the new innovative toolkit of training and qualification in bonding processes; more, they will comply to the requirements of the students with difficulties in learning. In the final of the project, the trainers will gain and improvement of their experience in teaching information from the new domain of joining.
  3. Sustaining of the improvement of the equity and the inclusion of working personnel with difficulties in learning, with reduced mobility or even hand low strength capacities. The educational materials which will be developed within specific activities will contain the latest elements from the bonding technology.

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