
Lasertech 1


EU Programme: Co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of teh European Union

Coordination: Asociacion Espanola de Soldadura y Tecnologias de Union- CESOL (SPAIN)

Participants: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID (SPAIN)|ISQ (PORTUGAL)|IIS Progress s.r.l. (ITALY)|Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare in Sudura si Incercari de Materiale Timisoara (ROMANIA)|Federation Europeenne du Soudage de L'assemblage et du Coupage EWF (BELGIUM)

Starting Year:  2015 

Duration: 2017

ISQ Contact:

Areas: VET Projects


Acronym: Lasertech

Project Name: Lasertech: Harmonized Laser Technology Training across Europe

Grant agreement no: 2015-1-ES01-KA202-015829

Total cost: 29.440,00€

Total Funding: 29.440,00€


The main objective of the Lasertech project is to provide the guidelines to develop harmonized courses within technological areas representing “hot spots” for the industry, dealing with welding. The project will contribute for promoting the transparency of qualifications and competences in technological areas such as laser welding, by valuing and developing training and qualification courses mutually recognized in European countries.

As main tasks, the project will:

  • adapt the EWF guidelines for laser welding process training and qualification;
  • create a new curriculum based on the guidelines in order to contribute to solve the problem of lack of harmonized and qualified technical figures;
  • development of didactic and evaluation materials for personnel training in the field of laser welding (course support) in English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Romanian.
  • Implementation of pilot courses that will be attended by specialists from industry in each partner country;

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